Amarillo Freethought Society: Community Organization Promoting Secular Values
Join our supportive community of freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, and humanists in Amarillo for educational and social activities.
All secularists, both religious and irreligious, are welcome.
Current bi-weekly meeting time: 2:00 PM

The Amarillo Freethought Society, FFRF Action Fund and fellow residents of Amarillo, TX need your help to stop yet another unconstitutional display of the Ten Commandments. At a recent city council meeting, councilmembers in Amarillo, TX agreed to move forward with their plan to erect an unconstitutional display of the Ten Commandments in the new city hall building.
At the meeting, council members relied on the misguided argument that the Ten Commandments are foundational to American law and society. In reality, there is no evidence that the 10 Commandments were ever the foundation of American public law. More than that, posting the 10 Commandments runs counter to the principles of freedom of religion and free speech, alienates non-Christians, and even pits one sect of Christianity against others (Catholics and Protestants use different versions, for example). Displaying the religious decalogue is nothing but divisive and has no place on public property.
Now it is up to you to make your voices heard and tell the Amarillo City Council to stop this divisive and unconstitutional display of the Ten Commandments. Write your city council member and tell them to reject the proposed display!
As mentioned earlier, members of the city council seem poised to approve this proposal, so the time to act is now! We’ve included suggested language through the “Take Action” button that can be customized to your liking. For best results, please be succinct and polite.
Amarillo Freethought Society Overview
The Amarillo Freethought Society promotes secular values, critical thinking, and open discussion in Amarillo and the greater Panhandle area.
Welcome to the Amarillo Freethought Society, where we promote secular values, critical thinking, and open discussion. Join us for educational and social activities that foster a culture of reason.